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Emission Services

Emission Services

TNM has a qualified team in place to collect and clean incoming data from vessels and prepare regulatory reports for verification to reporting organizations. TNM also provides a handy CII module to track attained CII and tools to evaluate and improve ratings.

As our industry moves forward, the environment and emissions from vessels will become increasingly important. True North Marine in its role as a performance monitoring company is ideally suited to collect complete emissions data.

Download the CII Brochure

True North Marine provides all clients with access to our CII module. Clients can track emissions on a passage-to-passage basis and see attained CII. There are also tools available to predict CII for a particular voyage, compare several vessels as well calculate how to improve CII rating. True North Marine also has a dedicated emissions team who can collect, clean and prepare emissions reports for Reporting Organizations or Classification Society.

Ideal for any party seeking an expert opinion on vessel performance or in preparation for arbitration.

Expert and Unbiased Support

With TNM’s PVA service our claims specialists will fully reconstruct a past voyage and offer their expert advise, either in preparation for arbitration or to provide a second opinion on vessel performance. Included with our PVA service:

  • Reconstruction of completed voyage based on logs or abstracts of daily noon reports.
  • A detailed and transparent final report for each voyage.
  • Consulting vis a vis C/P wording
  • Access to historical weather data

With our Post Voyage Analysis service, our claims specialists will fully reconstruct a past voyage and offer their expert advice. This can be done either in preparation for arbitration or to provide a second opinion on vessel performance.

This service package includes:

  • Reconstruction of completed voyage based on logs or abstracts of daily noon reports.
  • A detailed and transparent final report for each voyage.
  • Consulting vis a vis C/P wording
  • Access to historical weather data

A Reputation for Honesty

True North Marine’s reports are recognized throughout our industry for their honesty and lack of bias. Prepared in a concise, easy to understand fashion our PVA reports incorporate the latest standards in maritime arbitration. All our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and have to-date completed hundreds of voyage analyses.

Whether you need to analyze a single voyage or conduct a complete review of your fleet, TNM’s specialists are here to assist you.

True North Marine’s reports are recognized throughout our industry for their honesty and lack of bias. Prepared in a concise, easy to understand fashion our PVA reports incorporate the latest standards in maritime arbitration. All our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and have to-date completed hundreds of voyage analyses.


Whether you need to analyze a single voyage or conduct a complete review of your fleet, True North Marine’s specialists are here to assist you.

Expert and Unbiased Support

With our Post Voyage Analysis service, our claims specialists will fully reconstruct a past voyage and offer their expert advice. This can be done either in preparation for arbitration or to provide a second opinion on vessel performance. This service package includes:

  • Reconstruction of completed voyage based on logs or abstracts of daily noon reports.
  • A detailed and transparent final report for each voyage.
  • Consulting vis a vis C/P wording
  • Access to historical weather data

See Package

A Reputation for Honesty

True North Marine’s reports are recognized throughout our industry for their honesty and lack of bias. Prepared in a concise, easy to understand fashion our PVA reports incorporate the latest standards in maritime arbitration. All our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and have to-date completed hundreds of voyage analyses.   Whether you need to analyze a single voyage or conduct a complete review of your fleet, True North Marine’s specialists are here to assist you.

See Package

Additional Services and Add-ons

At True North Marine, we understand that not every client will have the same needs. We offer flexibility and the option to customize the level of service, to meet your needs.

The services below can be added to your standard Weather Routing and Performance Monitoring package for a flat monthly rate.

The additional products below can also be ordered as a stand-alone product.


During a voyage the unexpected sometimes occurs. Whether due to a mechanical failure aboard the vessel, a temporary slowdown, or an unscheduled stoppage you may wish to claim Off-Hire for events which result in delays. To help you cope with the unexpected, TNM can prepare a report detailing the off-hire period including all relevant details which you can present to your counterparty.


With a cumulative 50 years of experience handling performance claims, TNM’s claims specialists are standing by to provide you with the support you need to resolve claims efficiently, expediently, and equitably. Our claims specialists are in good standing with the Canadian Maritime Law Association and will provide you with their expert and unbiased opinion based on the latest in maritime arbitration.


For our weather routing and performance analysis services we typically rely on the information reported to us by the master in their daily noon report. AIS tracking can provide an additional reference for a vessel’s position, speed and route. When providing AIS Tracking your analyst will cross-reference the master’s reported noon positions with their AIS data every 72 hours in order to ensure the integrity of your voyage data. In the event of an anomaly or inconsistency, your assigned analyst will promptly contact you with all relevant details as well as their proposed next steps to resolve the inconsistency.